Sunday, April 17, 2011

Rides... Updates..

So my last ride was at the Daley Ranch on Thursday which was a good quick ride.  I remember when Daley was the 2 to 3 hour weekend ride and now we do it as a weekday quick ride its nice to look back and see the progress put into that kind of perpective.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

No Ride

No ride today but I am looking forward to tomorrow's ride at La Costa.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Hodges to Lusardi goodness

Rode one of the sections for the archipelago that I was kind of worried about today and enjoyed it in a kind of masochistic way.  It was 28 miles and 2928 ft of climbing.  It was a fun ride and I don't really feel as bad as I would of doing a ride like that a year ago or even 6 months ago.  Anyway it's just an update.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Oh Las Calaveras...

So my last ride was Hodges last Thursday, which in my opinion is a pretty easy ride which didn't really help me for today's ride.  The ride we do at Calavera's is fun we get a bit of elevation and a ton of flowy single track.  It's been a while since I have been there and this was the first time there on my 1x9 instead of a single speed and it was for as gay as it sounds WONDERFUL I still stopped at some climbs but I think that is a mental thing I have to get past from single speeding because all the spots I wanted or did stop at were my old SS resting spots.  Anyway I don't have the info from today's route when I get it I will update it here.  I plan on riding for the next 3 days with a solo ride on Wednesday at Lake Hodges should be fun next week is the archipelago which is still intimidating me mentally.  So the stats for this ride are 12 miles and 2364 ft of climbing.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Fatboy needs to slim.

So I originally started this blog to kind of remind me to ride due to the fact I was pushing 290(read Fatty boombalatty) at one point in my life.  Right now I sit at 246lbs (read just Fatty)  I was down to 230ish before Thanksgiving of 2010 and then I got lazy about watching what I eat.  Well it's time for me to get back on track ride more and lose about 25 lbs because that is what my Dr. claims is my recommended weight.  I'm going to post ride reports and updates on the weight loss, not that anyone reads this thing its more for me, than you selfish bastards anyway!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Frame Replacement...

Well I got good news this week,  I received a call from the bike mechanic at my LBS letting me know that I am getting a replacement frame.  I was thinking of selling the AC when it was replaced but to my surprise he informed me that they didn't have anymore AC frames and will be sending a 2008 Reign frame.  Bad news I sold my pike,  it's steerer tube was cut too short so it probably wouldn't of fit anyway but it would of been nice to try and see first.  Now I am on the hunt for a 140mm air fork, hopefully a fox cause then selling the pike(for 80 dollars more than I paid for it) would have been worth it.  I will post pic's soon I hope. 

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Broken Frame and new(old) bike...

Well I broke my Giant AC again and decided it was time for a new build on a different frame while I wait for the warranty on the Giant, which most likely get rebuilt.  I had a old frame given to me by my friend Dougilicious.  I primed and painted it rattle can style which actually didn't turn out to bad.  The build is pretty nice and it is a single speed for now I thought I would try it out at as many places to see how I like it...  and now for some pictures.